Video Resource: Developing Young Guards

If you are serious about learning more about basketball development the FIBA YouTube channel is a good place to look. For some reason page is currently down, hopefully a temporary issue

Link to Video – Video: Developing Young Guards (FIBA)

Please be warned you will not see a bunch of cones, moving objects etc. in this video (something we see more than I think is necessary, we’ll leave that for another time).

Below is my recap of some of the key takeaways from video. I have created timestamps with written explanations for members who may be restricted with time and just want to see the drills. I however would recommend watching entire video as many gems dropped throughout

Key pointers covered in video

  1. Spacing on court
  2. Penetration (3 types)
  3. Movement without ball
  4. Know and execute good fundamental technical skills

Coaching tip 

Know the difference between individual and team mistake, how to identify and coach through these unique mistakes.

Communicating and teaching types of cuts

3 types of cuts

  1. To the ball (handoff)
  2. To basket (w/o ball)
  3. Relocation (balance and spacing)

Drills in video emphasis the following:

Player that must think – impossible to just stand, force players to move which is a direct translation to game situations

Boxing out / rebounding – added to all drills especially for undersized teams who must focus on this weakness or disadvantage

Transition from offense to defense – players need to get used to transitioning from offense to defense following end of possession. Bonus – great way to add conditioning element to practice

Use of 2 balls – adds to efficiency, more repetitions for all players

Link to Video – Video: Developing Young Guards (FIBA)