
The Off-Season! This is the time of the year when coaches and players have more time outside of their competition to work on their own development

Recommendations for coaches on how to approach the off-season

  1. Get feedback and re-evaluate areas as a coach you need to improve on
  2. Use the time as personal development to learn and connect with other coaches
  3. Create a realistic plan to be able to focus and improve on #2
  4. Use time to recharge in preparation for subsequent season success

Recommendations for players on how to approach the off-season 

  1. Get feedback/areas of improvement from coaches
  2. Focus on 1 or 2 of those things and add them to their game
  3. Create a realistic plan to be able to focus and improve on #2
  4. Use time efficiently and smartly to take an active rest/recharge and get better in preperation for the next season