It’s That Time Of The Year – PRESEASON!!!

Preseason signals the season is around the corner. Getting back into game shape, lifting, reducing chances of injury heading into season are all important. However everyone uses this time differently to get started. If you look at a number of programs (college), club, professional the philosophy varies and for good reason based on time constraints, access etc. One thing I have noticed here in Singapore there isn’t a real clear emphasis of different seasons. It’s practice, games, camps and tournaments. See image below of what I mean on breakdown.

As we can see there are certain months broken down to focus on specific things. Yes this is for strength and conditioning but it’s also the same for basketball. There’s a time to compete, improve on individual skill sets, rest etc.

College Preseason Experience

At Drexel it was a time I honestly dreaded. The 6am wake up call to head to the track to run 4 or sometimes 7 laps. Doesn’t sound like a lot but I was never good at running distance until entering my Junior year. Put me on the baseline to run some sprints and I’m good. Why though? Honestly I never prepared in the off-season mentally and physically the way I needed personally for preseason for such runs (long distance runs).

Below will give you an idea of what preseason testing looked liked. It may also give you a few ideas to implement test into your preseason training. When it came to the conditioning it was very simple, you don’t make the goal you keep running until you do. Talk about stress, o and preseason always fell on or close to my birthday too (sigh).

Conditioning Testing
1 mile run (4 laps of 400m track)
– Guard under 6:15min | Post under 6:30min
12 minute run (7 laps of 400m track)
– Complete 7 laps under 12minutes
Suicide or Shuttle Run 10 10s
– Complete each run in 33 seconds, 27 seconds rest. If you miss one you didn’t meet the goal

Weightroom Testing
– 3 min push up test – max amount within time
– 3 min sit up test – max amount within time
– Max reps of chin ups
– Front Squat 1RM
– Bench Press 1RM

Speed & Agility Testing
– T Test
– 40 yard dash

“If you stay ready you won’t have to get ready.”

3 questions for you? 

  1. Do coaches have a responsibility to know how to prepare players for pre-season?
  2. Should there be an emphasis on hitting goals during preseason?
  3. At what age or level should pre-season conditioning be emphasized?

Very interested to hear your thoughts on pre-season to questions above or outside of questions? Drop your thoughts..

There are multiple resources to learn more about strength and conditioning, programming of athletes etc. Here is one book I recommend for dealing with younger athletes – Book: Conditioning Young Athletes