Player Development: Decision Making

My interest in learning a new language has led me to watch content in Spanish. One of the many benefits is the country isn’t bad at basketball (that’s a joke). Quality basketball development content and some listening practice is definitely a bonus. 

Click link to check out a great drill (3min watch) on decision making against primary and secondary defense.  Don’t worry if you don’t understand Spanish I’ve written an explanation of the drill next to each video. I’m sure you can also pick up via just watching also.

Video – BasketCantera (A.Gomez) 

Part 1 – Intro / controlled 1v1 decision making 

  • Offense receives a pass from the defense
  • Important: The defense is working for the offense 
  • Defense makes 1 / 3 decisions and movements 
    • Stands still after pass 
    • Steps up with left foot towards offense
    • Steps up with right foot towards offense 
  • Offense reads defense based on the above 
  • Coach can determine how offense reads defenses step towards offense 
    • Example: Attack top foot or opposite top foot

Emphasis is on reading defense action not on finishing (although important).

Video – BasketCantera (A.Gomez) 

Part 2 – Live or controlled 1v1 decision making 

  • Defense touches a cone
  • Offense reads and reacts to the defense
  • Defense is allowed to get back into the play and defend up to inside the key
  • Drill can be run live or controlled 

Emphasis pushing ball out and beating by defense

Video – BasketCantera (A.Gomez) 

Part 3 – Live 1v1 decision making with help side defender 

  • Same structure / pointers as above (Part 2) 
  • Defender #2 (inside key) reacts once ball is hits the ground by offense 
  • Defender #2 runs around one of the cones
  • Offense must now read, react, get by primary defender and finish against defender #2 (inside key)