Team Offense 👎

Fix Timing

Why isn’t our offense working? This is a common problem teams at all levels sometimes face.

You call a timeout to draw up the play again. Doesn’t work. You make subs. Nothing changes. You run other offensive sets. It’s still not effective. And this has been an ongoing issue…

Look at the small details – timing!

Coach Ettore Messina explains this very well here 

In summary, he says;

  • Timing is the concept of when you do things
  • The game is played better if things start when the other thing is about to end not after 
    • Good timing – the player cuts to a spot as the passer is making the pass. The ball and player arrive at the spot at the same time. 
    • Bad timing – the player cuts and arrives at the spot then the passer makes the pass. The ball arrives when the defender is in the passing lane leading to the pass being intercepted.
  • Good timing allows the offense to create and keep an advantage
    • Receiving the ball whilst the defender is still closing out/in motion

If your offense is struggling consider looking at the timing of cuts, screens etc. This may not be a quick in-game fix with the use of a timeout.

It starts in practice. Incorporate and reinforce timing in passing, shooting and dribbling drills. Use small-sided games before playing live.

This creates a habit of focusing on timing, and better verbal and non-verbal communication between players.

Example – small-sided game of pass to the wing with live defense