Closeout Drill 

We hear often “HELP, help THE HELPER, GET THERE & CLOSEOUT!” at all levels of basketball. For that reason something we would always work on in a practice in College was closeouts. This drill was one of the teams least favorites. Not to add going up against the practice guys who had a step on the defense. Below is one of many closeout drills we would do in practice.

3v3 Closeout Drill Video

2v2 & 1v1 Closeout Drill

2v2 Closeout

X Black Defense

X Red Offense


Ball (red dot) starts on baseline with defender (X Black)

  1. Pass is made across baseline to other defender

–  Once ball leaves hand defender closes out diagonally to offense

  1. Defender passes up to offense (X Red)

 –  Once ball leaves hand defender closes out diagonally to offense

  1. Offense reverses ball to other offensive player

Defenders must close out and get a defensive stop

Modifications to Drills

Shot clock, rebounds or consecutive stops, drill limits etc. can be added to make drill harder / easier for all (defense and offense)

1v1 Closeout 5 Spots

X Black Defense

X Red Offense


Defender (X Black) starts inside the key with the basketball

5 offensive players on the perimeter (X Reds)

Defender passes to each player on perimeter closing out and plays 1v1

Defender must get a stop against each player on the perimeter

Modifications to Drills

Shot clock, rebounds or consecutive stops, drill limits etc. can be added to make drill harder / easier for all (defense and offense)